Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Dogs and Guns

While looking for additional information on the recent homicide in Claremont, I came across this story of a Claremont police officer shooting a pit bull. Although it doesn't exactly relate to Pomona, I thought it was compelling for the mere fact that I never heard anything about this shooting. Although four shots were fired by a police officer in the middle of the residential area of Claremont Village, only the dog was struck. The 80 pound pit bull was eventually transferred to a veterinary hospital where it died the next day. It isn't clear why the story wasn't covered by the Daily Bulletin or even the Claremont Now blog sponsored by the Bulletin. The Claremont Insider blog did report on the shooting and it was covered in the Claremont Courier which is the link above.

Still no information on the first homicide in Claremont since 2006.

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