Friday, March 18, 2011

Don't Laugh at Me

Wow! This morning I attended a wonderful anti-bullying assembly at Lincoln Elementary. The curriculum developers and presenters from the Pomona Unified Peace Project did an amazing job.

The 30-minute curriculum included a story (Don't Laugh at Me, by Steve Seskin & Allen Shamblin; "read" the book below), music (e.g., Baby Jay singing the Don't Laugh at Me song; see video below), interactive discussion, a catchy mantra (Stop! Walk! Talk!), and a pledge.

The presenters interacted beautifully with the young audience, set an open and welcoming tone for the discussion, and made sure the assembly was well-paced.

And, the kids were amazing! Engaged, thoughtful, and eager. Pomona kiddos: You make us proud.

I was honored to get a chance to glimpse a slice of the important work the Pomona Unified Peace Project is engaged in. I'm amazed and inspired by the fact you presented this assembly 32 times this week to children across the city. Thank you PUPP for all you do!

(Here's a link to a Daily Bulletin story about the assembly.)